Happy Halloween 
MA semester1 project
Aim of this project is to create a collection of Gender-neutral prints suitable for kids clothing, home goods and accessories. Inspiration to create these prints are doodle art and halloween. Halloween is the festival symbolised the boundary between the world of living and the world of dead. But For children it is a festival full of fun only ..where they get lots of candies, wearing fun costumes, playing trick or treat, get together with friends and partying. I chose only the fun part of Halloween to develop these prints.
Gender-neutral fashion is a sustainable way to reduce environmental problems raising due to over production/ fast fashion. Additionally, it  leads the fashion industry in the direction of a future that is more environmentally sustainable, also provides a safe space for people who do not subscribe to binary gender stereotypes. If parents introduce gender-neutral fashion for kids and educate them the importance of it to the environment, we can hope for a sustainable better future.
Design Development 
Colour way
Thank you
Happy Halloween


Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween 2022 MA semester1 project Aim of this project is to create a collection of Gender-neutral prints suitable for kids clothing, hom Read More
